Elevation Gain: 7,137ft
Actual Mileage: 98.1 Miles
Tour de Steamboat is excited to offer a 100-mile gravel route this year. Riders will head out of town on pavement over Rabbit Ears Pass before turning right onto dirt into the Buffalo Park . This route heads through National Forest land coming out to an aid station at the top of Gore Pass. Riders will travel along Highway 134 for a few miles before hitting the dirt again returning to Steamboat Springs via Lynx Pass, Stagecoach Reservoir, Sarvis Creek and County Road 14. Riders return via pavement to Steamboat on River Road.
This is a NEW route for us, it will be a learning curve. Please be prepared to fix your own flats, repair your own bike and carry enough fluids and energy to support yourself between aid stations up to 35 miles apart. Full gravel ride attitude applies, this is for experienced and prepared riders only as SAG support will be minimal between aid stations.
Strongly suggested items to carry:
- Cycling computer or GPS device to track your mileage and location
- Red tail light and front light
- Minimum of two liters of water or sports drink
- A cell phone to contact the “outside world” should you need help
Additional supplies to SERIOUSLY consider:
- A GPS system to communicate your exact location to support or rescue personnel in the event of an emergency.
- Small rucksack / hydration pack
- Waterproof / windproof jacket
- Extra thermal top or warm layer
- Emergency / survival blanket
- Compass
- Food – energy bars, gels, chocolate, etc.
- Tire levers
- Repair kit including Chain tool, Allen wrench set, spoke wrench two spare inner tubes, tire levers an air pump or inflation system and chain lube
- First aid kit
- Chamois Butt’r
- Cash
All roads are open to public traffic. For your safety, it is imperative that you be constantly aware of your surroundings. Therefore, headphones/earbuds are strictly forbidden. This area is remote. That means very few people travel these roads, which means very little availability for on road maintenance. Roadbed consistency will vary from crushed and graded limestone, to fist-size gravel, to dirt two-track. Roads may become muddy or may have been freshly graded.
Gravel course marking
Course maps and cue sheets will be provided electronically prior to the event. Each rider should print his/her own maps and cues before leaving home. In addition, we will have a limited number of course markings to ensure riders are still on course. However, riders should use the maps and cues provided as their primary means of navigation. Riders should bring a compass.
SAG and Safety
Beyond the spectacular views and many other great reasons to enjoy the Tour De Steamboat safety and medical support are of the utmost importance to our ride. Marked medical escort vehicles will be provided along all three routes to offer rapid emergency medical treatment. At the finish line a dedicated medical aid tent will be available to treat and evaluate everything from sore joints to serious medical emergencies. Licensed medical professionals provided by EMS Unlimited are well versed in not only offering compassionate and rapid medical care but also keeping a watchful eye over all facets of the ride to ensure safety is always paramount. The Tour De Steamboat is proud to provide this valuable and quality service offered by EMS Unlimited, a Colorado based premier full-service event medical standby company. To learn more about EMS Unlimited visit them at www.ems-unlimited.com.
SAG support is intended for riders needing medical attention or extra assistance, not for moving ahead on the course or making up for poor training, missed aid station cut-offs or to make up for a late start. Please plan accordingly with proper training, knowledge of cut off times, course closure times and good legs and attitude! Our volunteer drivers are all exceptionally nice and we hope they will not be taken advantage of. Please know this is a moderately difficult ride, train accordingly, know your hydration and energy needs and plan ahead!
This route is sponsored by Bingham Built